Over the weekend I was trying to finally catch up on my dear friend, Callie’s, posts and found that she’d posted something several days BEFORE I sent out the last message which contained more confirmation of things shared in that note!!!
“…God has offered the immediate and direct witness of the Holy Spirit to all believers. It is not only what persuades you that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, but also that God is on His throne! GOD IS WILLING TO BE AS REAL TODAY AS HE WAS TO THE PATRIARCHS, TO MOSES, TO DAVID, AND THE PROPHETS. HE IS AS REAL TODAY AS HE WAS TO THE EARLIEST CHURCH. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY AND TODAY AND FOREVER (HEB 13:8). Don’t come short of discovering how real God is because some well-meaning person says this kind of relationship with God is not possible today. For it is possible.” R.T. Kendall, HolyFire.
I was so excited to see another precise confirmation of the theme I believed God was emphasizing last week by giving Hebrews 13:8 repeatedly as I believed Him to speak a message that would be life to our whole bodies and healing and health to all our flesh!!!!!
I’ve been trying to decide since Monday if I was supposed to go ahead and move on to confession #9 or if we needed to camp out on this one longer, and I believe the Lord is lovingly nudging us along. He’s already given me 2 confirmations of our next confession this week – once yesterday in a stack of Scripture cards I was meditating on about receiving HIS GUIDANCE and another TODAY in the devo below from Ed Traut!! So I take that as His answer to get in gear and move on!
Confession #9 is:
“God’s Words are ALIVE and they are ACTIVE. They are sharper than any double-edged sword. They PENETRATE every cell, tissue, organ, system, muscle, and bone. They are PRECISE! They can divide between soul and spirit, JOINTS and MARROW, performing Holy Spirit surgery. God’s Words are flawless! They know exactly where to go in my body, and they perform with flawless precision! (Hebrews 4:12, II Samuel 22:31, Psalm 18:30)”
Here’s Ed’s devo below. His 3rd point and prayer go along with the things the Lord was emphasizing in the last email too (follow up on confession #8)!:
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 NIVUK
• God’s Word is powerful and reveals thought and even the motives of our hearts.
• We need that Word to keep us on track and (to cause) the truth (to) abound in our lives.
• God’s Word is alive and continually active. It’s not a past tense, but a continual tense in our lives. If we expose ourselves to it it will bring us life. (the same yesterday, today, and forever – with the same power to bring life to our whole bodies and health to all our flesh)
Prayer: Lord I thank you for your Word and that you are the Word, even before time began. Let your word penetrate my heart Lord and bring light today I pray. In Jesus name, Amen. Ed Traut (Copyright, Prophetic Life Ministries)
Hope you’re all having a powerful Resurrection week, spending time reflecting on all the Lord has done for us and seeking His will for how we can more fully give our lives to Him in return ~ that we may allow Him to accomplish in and through our lives (which He purchased at such a great and horrible price) all that He desires!
Blessings and Prayers!