Destroying the destroyer

At the end of January, before the “world stopped”, I was meditating on some Scriptures from a page of verses I had entitled, “The Lord is a Man of War”. I felt the Lord was highlighting the word “DESTROY” from John 10:10 and I John 3:8 – the former revealing that the THIEF (satan) comes to steal, kill, & DESTROY – but the latter revealing that Jesus came to DESTROY the works of the devil.
So I combined the two together in one confession:
“The thief comes only to steal, kill, & destroy, but Jesus came that we might have God’s abundant, full to overflowing life. (John 10:10) He came to DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL. (I John 3:8) Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday, today, & forever. (Hebrews 13:8) So when the devil comes & works to destroy, Jesus comes & DESTROYS his works!”

Immediately after that, I began reading some of the words the Lord had given in answer to our seeking wisdom re anything we need to know & understand about the “Ready or Not, Here I Come” words He’d given last year ( I opened to a passage He gave Jesse in Daniel 7, and was amazed not only by the text (in answer to that question), but also by the devotional on the side of the page confirming what I felt He was emphasizing just moments before.

I’m thankful He gave this encouragement on the precipice of the current chaos. May we all be encouraged by the truth revealed in this passage – that even though it may appear the enemy is prevailing for a season, even when he seeks to wear us out in our warfare against him, his time is short; his defeat is sealed. May we continue to #HoldfasttoGodspromises & #Outlastthedevil

Praying for us all & believing for God to take all the enemy has intended for harm in this situation & turn it around for our good & His glory in Ephesians 3:20 ways!

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