Even More Incalculable Wealth – Christ in You; Heaven in You – HFJ14

Here’s the one I mentioned in the last post from the night of the 13th. It was based on this verse:


But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. II Cor 4:7

“… I will persuade you concerning My power in you and My ability to make you a high achiever and a life changer. … The secret of your power is in cherishing the TREASURE THAT I HAVE PLACED WITHIN YOU, WHICH IS CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY. … OPEN YOUR HEART AND LET ME PULL THE TREASURE OUT. LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT HAVING HEAVEN LIVING INSIDE OF YOU IS LIKE.” (emphasis mine, Copyright © Ivan Tait, Letters from God)


This one was not only confirmation of all the things from the theme from the Incalculable Wealth notes again, but also that same day I’d been listening to the recording Jesse made of these healing confessions from my book, and the one that was particularly quickened to me that day was –

“THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN NOW RESIDES IN ME; I lay hold of the full revelation of His Kingdom IN ME so that it manifests in my life, and I advance (it to others)…”

So when I read this about “Heaven living inside you” I knew the Lord was emphasizing that again too. That same confession in the book (in its full version) also says,

“There is NO sickness or disease in Heaven….”

So, let’s not only be meditating on the full implications of CHRIST IN US and the glorious riches of our inheritance in Him that’s IN US, but let’s also include a new facet of this theme ~ meditating on the truth that the KINGDOM of Heaven IN US. Since He’s been emphasizing this theme relentlessly (of Christ in us and of the glorious, limitless, incalculable riches/treasures/wealth in us through Him), I think this is a revelation He really wants us to camp out on and stay with until it’s so deeply rooted and established that we know it in every fiber of our being and thinking ~ until it’s heart revelation that’s producing life transformation and covenant manifestation!

Since our verse for this week is about being RELENTLESS – not letting the enemy steal, uproot, or choke out the seed of the Word – and not stopping with partial victory, but persevering until we have the FULL VICTORY – it seems the fact that He’s being so RELENTLESS to surround us with this revelation means we should be relentless to plant this revelation – of CHRIST IN US and HEAVEN IN US and the GLORIOUS, INCALCULABLE, LIMITLESS riches of our inheritance IN US through Him – until we’re seeing not just a 30 or 60 fold manifestation, but the FULL 100 fold manifestation in every area of our lives!! Help us God! We can continue on with other confessions in the coming weeks – but let’s make this an EVERY WEEK one (a daily meditation) ~ one of the foundational, all-encompassing ones that the rest are built on.

Got another awesome set of words last night, but am concerned about being overwhelming by sending too much at once. Will send soon.

Blessings and prayers!


Incalculable Wealth 1A

Incalculable Wealth 1B

Incalculable Wealth 2A

Incalculable Wealth 2B

Incalculable Wealth 2C

More Confirmations of Incalculable Wealth

And More Incalculable Wealth ~ Get Into the Word and Get the Word Into You

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