Free Your Mind

Rather than free your mind, this post might actually twist it into a pretzel without an understanding of the principles Jesus taught that enable us to overcome the natural realm and walk in the matrix - red pillsupernatural as He did. You may need to revisit the original Matrix movie for the full effect, but for now I’ll just forewarn as Morpheus did ~ by proceeding you are choosing to take the “red pill.” 😉

Two weeks before this latest storm hit, I had been meditating on these confessions from my healing book:

  • “I refuse to conform to the pattern of this world – to live by or under this world’s system. I am TRANSFORMED by the renewing of my mind to the Truth of God’s Word. Therefore, I know God’s good, pleasing and perfect will – and conform to the pattern of Heaven –God’s system. (Romans 12:2)”

As I meditate on a Scripture or confession, God will connect it to other verses and analogies to help it become greater heart revelation. For this passage, He again brought to mind all the spiritual lessons so powerfully illustrated in The Matrix, as well as Colossians 2:20 (NIV’84) and II Peter 1:3-4. So as I meditated I wrote,

“If you want TRANSFORMATION, you must RENEW YOUR MIND. I am transformed into who God called and created me to be (and into one who walks in His covenant promises) by renewing my mind to the truth (of His Word). I refuse to conform to the pattern of this world – to be bound by its natural laws and basic principles. I refuse to conform to the illusions of “the matrix,” (to believe the physical world that’s been pulled over our eyes MORE THAN I believe the truth of God’s Word/promises). I am transformed into one who participates in God’s divine nature (and escapes the corruption/curse that’s in the world through sin) by renewing my mind to the knowledge of God and His great and precious promises. When I am transformed, I don’t just mentally know God’s perfect will, I experientially know, prove, and make manifest God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will in my life (and conform to the pattern of Heaven).” (Romans 12:2, Colossians 2:20 (NIV’84) and II Peter 1:3-4)”

I continued with this:

  • “I will not set my mind on (think on, be controlled and dominated by) the things of the flesh (the symptoms, circumstances, giants, opposition). I set my mind on (think on, and am controlled and dominated by) the things of the Spirit (the truth of God’s Word – His promises – who He says I am, and what He says He’s purchased for me) – which produces LIFE and PEACE (peace = wholeness; nothing missing, nothing broken, all necessary good) (Romans 8:6 Greek)”

Under this confession I wrote, “Change your focus. Change your perspective. Focus on the truth of God’s Word and promises, not on the (symptoms, circumstances, giants). I do not focus on the giants and see myself as a grasshopper (hopeless, helpless) in their sight. I focus on God, His Word/promises and see the giants as the grasshoppers. They are NO MATCH for our God. They have no power/authority in comparison to His blood, His Name, His Word, and His Spirit.”

God brought many more confirmations during this time of changing our FOCUS and PERSPECTIVE, including the things mentioned in this post on 3-9 (for those who didn’t see it on FB). He continued to emphasize choosing to think on and be dominated by the truths of the spiritual realm/the Word/Heaven. And again, He connected the principles in these confessions to the spiritual neo-stops-the-bulletslessons of the Matrix. Like Neo, to overcome the natural laws/basic principles of this world so we can walk in the supernatural laws of God’s Kingdom that trump them (as Jesus did), we have to realize that this world and what we perceive with our senses is not the highest reality. Neo had to renew his mind to the truth that the greater reality was that he was seated outside the matrix and that his position there made the matrix subject to him, instead of him being subject to it. We too must renew our minds to the superior reality that we are in this world, but no longer of it. We are citizens of Heaven, seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Because of our position in Him, who has already overcome this world, we too are able to overcome it ~ to do the SAME things He did and even GREATER things, as He promised (John 14, Mark 11, etc.). The natural laws of this world must bow to the supernatural laws of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are not to be subject to them; they are to be subject to us through Christ. As discussed in previous posts, by staying in agreement with the TRUTH of the superior spiritual realm (the truth of God’s Word/promises), we can TRUMP and TRANSFORM the facts of this natural realm.

The following week, I meditated on this confession:

“Jesus redeemed me from the curse of the law (in Deuteronomy 28 that includes EVERY sickness and disease) and He purchased the blessing and promises of the righteous, through His perfection, for all who receive Him as Lord and Savior. Jesus was MADE MY SIN; I was MADE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. As I abide in Christ, I am clothed with Him and His righteousness. Therefore, I RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS OF THE RIGHTEOUS by faith in what Jesus accomplished for me. I walk in the light with the Lord, confessing my sins and turning from them to follow Him, and His blood continually cleanses me from all sin. Therefore, THE CURSE HAS NO RIGHT TO COME UPON ME. (Deuteronomy 7:12-15; Deut 28, John 15, I John 1-3, II Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:13-14, 22-23, 26-29)”

Once again, God was bringing awesome confirmations, as He always does, to help make His Word heart revelation instead of just mental information. But immediately afterward, this new attack hit – and there’s no better way to describe it than “the curse.” A few days later, the Lord said, “You ARE REDEEMED from the curse – but the enemy will try to challenge that.” He reminded us that this is why we must stand against him (resist him) and declare the truth even when it doesn’t appear that it’s true or that His promises are working. It was a perfect illustration of the parable of the Sower (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8). Since the enemy wasn’t able to steal the truth I was sowing in my heart through lack of understanding or unbelief, he came with an overt attack to try to uproot it. But, when he attempts to exalt himself and his lies above the knowledge of God’s truth, we must take them captive, cast them down, and bring them into obedience to Christ and His Word (II Corinthians 10:3-5). We must resist him until he flees (James 4:7)

A few days later (3-16), we noticed a theme emerging in the words God gave. First through Ivan Tait’s book:

(God had been surrounding us with this verse – which we were claiming and applying not merely for financial needs, as we may often apply it, but for any need we may have – for wisdom, understanding, direction, counsel, revelation, protection, healing, deliverance, etc. )
…WHEN YOU WERE IN YOUR MOTHER’S WOMB, I APPOINTED YOU AS AN AMBASSADOR…. Don’t limit your potential by obsessing over your limitations. Limitations are the opportunities for my grace. They are the diving board into the supernatural power of My Spirit. … YOUR RESOURCES INCLUDE ALL OF ME, NOT JUST A PIECE. Men insult Me by making Me powerless in their doctrines and beliefs. THEY FORGET THAT SOME THINGS REQUIRE SUPERNATURAL RESOURCES in famine and drought. Know this: I measure the heavens with a span. I name the stars, and I know the number of hairs on your head. The nations are like a drop in the bucket, and the oceans are one tear drop. I AM your Resource. I AM All in All. I AM your SOURCE. I AM ALL YOU NEED, ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED, and I AM ALL YOURS.”

We were thankful for more confirmation of God’s supernatural provision for our needs, and of Him as our All in All. Next, Jesse opened to read from the healing book and read:
“I am not of this world. I am a citizen of Heaven. I am separated (sanctified) from this world’s system by my knowledge of TRUTH. God’s Word is that Truth. I am not under the basic principles of this world; I am under the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven. I am in this world as an AMBASSADOR of Heaven, to advance God’s kingdom here. As an ambassador, I am governed by the laws of my home country, rather than the country where I live. Sickness and disease have no legal right to come on the citizens of Heaven; THE CURSE HAS NO RIGHT TO COME ON THE RIGHTEOUS. Therefore, I plead diplomatic immunity from sickness and disease and EVICT it from my life! God has seated me with Christ in Heavenly realms. Just as All things are under His feet, since I am in Him, All things are under my feet! Jesus has overcome this world, and I overcome this world by faith in Him. The One who is in me is GREATER than the one who is in the world! (John 17:14-18, Philippians 3:20, Galatians 4:3-5, Colossians 2:6-10, 20; II Corinthians 5:16-21, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 10:19-20, Ephesians 1:17-23; 2:4-7, Genesis 1:26, Psalm 8:3-6, Hebrews 2:5-9, I Corinthians 15:24-28, John 16:33, I John 5:4-5; 4:4)”

I noticed both words emphasized the revelation of being His Ambassadors, and the implications thereof. But even without that clue that God was SPEAKING, I knew this was truly a word from Him. Though I was praying silently before Jesse opened the healing book, in my heart I was crying out at the top of my spiritual lungs for God to speak the exact word I most needed to be standing on to receive the manifestation of victory. When I heard this word, I knew He was answering my cry! (Apart from all the obvious confirmations of the confessions I’d been meditating on in the previous few weeks, it was also significant that it specifically said to “EVICT” the enemy, since this was the precise thing we’d been speaking and praying. “GREATER is He who is IN ME” had also been one of the recurring words God had given from the beginning of this battle.)

The following morning (3-17), the Lord was up to His old tricks again, blowing us away with His ability to orchestrate the confirmations we need to hear. We decided to listen to a Paula White podcast during breakfast. Since we hadn’t listened regularly, we played an older one (#54) rather than the most recent. It was packed with precise confirmations for us, but one of them was the beyond-the-shadow-of-a-doubt confirmation that God is always so faithful to provide. Nestled in this message on Winning in Life was another word about being AMBASSADORS ~ who aren’t bound by the basic principles/natural laws of this world.

WOW!!!!!! Since I wanted to record this clip for my journal, after the sermon, I went back to find it in the hour long message. Asking the Lord to help, I “randomly” clicked play and the first words I heard were, “You are not BOUND by the laws of nature!” We hear you, Lord!

Right after sharing a brief version of these things with a friend, I was spending time with the Lord and asked Him for a word. The word He gave said,”Remind yourself that the treasures of Heaven are all yours. I’m training your soul to reign. I’m showing you how to live a life with me seated in Heavenly places, where corrupters can’t reach you and where your treasures are safe. …” This series of words is why I was about to take flight when I read in Lana Vawser’s post, “Look away from the natural realm and look through the lenses of Heaven.” (again – changing our perspective to see things from our position of being seated in Christ in Heavenly places ~ where all things are under His feet and therefore under ours.)

I pray these truths will truly sink in and become heart revelation for us all so we will overcome the natural laws of this world to do the same things Jesus did and even greater things! I pray we will all “free our minds” with His help, by renewing them to His Word, so we’re no longer bound to the natural laws of “the matrix,” but are transformed into those who participate in His divine nature and overcome the natural to do the impossible! Lord, help us grasp, believe, and walk in the full dimensions of these truths ~ with no more limitations based on the natural world around us!Free Your Mind

Training for Reigning, (see update below)
Laura Jewell Tyree

The night after writing this, I was praying about whether to share. When I sat down with my Scripture cards, these notes from a KCM devo were on the first cards I read:

“The blessing of Abraham will enable you to prosper, no matter what’s happening around you. It will cause you to (walk in God’s covenant promises) no matter what the devil can dream up. …If you’re born again, you shouldn’t even worry about such things. They don’t have to affect you. You’re not dependent on this natural realm. You are dependent on your covenant with Almighty God—and that never changes! He never alters the Word that comes out of His mouth, and He has said you are blessed! You were re-created to live above the circumstances of this world—not in subjection to them. Stand up! Release your faith! Put the Word first place in your life. Put your name in the promises of the Bible and speak them to your circumstances. The truth is, they (your circumstances) can’t stop the blessings of Almighty God!”

THANK YOU JESUS!! I’m taking that confirmation to be His green light to share and I’m praying we’re all going to the highest dimensions possible in operating in these things with the help of the Lord!
The Lord tore us up with confirmation of this in TD Jakes msg on 5-31-15! This one is a tad bit longer than the clips I usually put in (just over 5 minutes), but it’s so worth it! He not only gave confirmations of “The MATRIX” revelation above, but also from things discussed previously in Formed in the Secret Place pt 2  and  pt 4, and
The Unseen/Invisible/Eternal has the Power to TRUMP and TRANSFORM the Seen/Visible/Temporary‏. He also confirmed our recent theme of CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE from the note by that name, Letting the Storm Send You DEEPER and HIGHER (and woven throughout other notes in this season)! AND he focused on the revelation, ” I am who God says I am. I have what God says I have. I can do what God says I can do” included in “Don’t Panic, Praise“! 


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  1. trish says:

    You my beautiful precious soul have empowered is more thru the revelations of Jesus thru your beautiful mind n spirit.i love you n have never met u face to face but I know we’re sisters of Christ n citizens of Heaven☺️❤️

    • Laura says:

      Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! So thankful to know the posts have blessed you! Love you too!

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