(part 8 –pt 1 pt 2, pt 3,  pt 4pt 5 pt 6 ,  pt 7 )

Then yesterday when I re-watched the clip from the movie (shared at link above), I felt the Lord so strongly making the point through it that it is the HAMMER (representing the WORD) that makes Thor what he is! “It’s not Thor; it’s the HAMMER (the WORD).” Immediately, He brought back to my mind a scene from another movie He led us to watch during a special time of seeking Him in 2011. He had spoken so much to us through that film that we truly had an ENCOUNTER with Him through it. (I realized when He brought it back to my remembrance how it also fits perfectly with note 10 in the prophetic series – “Formed in the Secret Place ~ Discovering Destiny” – about having to finally BELIEVE who He’s called us to be and what He’s called us to do – which is definitely another theme He’s brought many confirmations of in this season). The film was Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. He brought back to mind the scene where Alice fought the dragon – “Jabberwocky.” When she walked out on the battlefield to face that dragon (her “goliath”), it was not Alice that the enemy addressed (or feared) – it was the SWORD she carried (the vorpal sword – which, again, represents THE WORD). The enemy addressed this SWORD as his ancient foe (addressing Alice only as its insignificant bearer!)!! This perfectly represents the situation between the enemy and the WORD of God – his Ancient Foe Who put on flesh and came into this world to seal his doom – and who will eventually completely destroy him. Then He showed me another scene from the film where Absalom (who represents the Holy Spirit) told Alice as she prepared for battle, “The vorpal SWORD knows what it wants – ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS HOLD ONTO IT!” I was overwhelmed in awe by this additional confirmation of our theme  – “HOLD ON” – “HOLD FAST” to the WORD, PROMISES, and to our PROFESSION of FAITH based on the WORD that He’s given us!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

post about ~ Thor’s HAMMER and Alice’s Vorpal SWORD

I loved these 2 visual demonstrations from these films about how it’s NOT US, but it’s the WORD that will ensure our success! It’s the WORD that will secure our victory! It’s the WORD that WILL  make us the overcomers and conquerors that God has called us to be! Again, as discussed last week in connection with our verse for confession #10 – Isaiah 55:11 – since the WORD IS going to ACCOMPLISH what God desires and ACHIEVE the purpose for which He sent it, if we will HOLD ONTO IT – WE WILL TOO! If we HOLD ON and don’t let go, it will carry us through to its final destination of victory!

As mentioned in the last note, the Lord showed us this attack was not isolated to us, but was widespread and impacting many others simultaneously. He has continued to show us other examples of that. So I pray that by exposing this present strategy of the enemy in this season that it has encouraged others of you to also continue to HOLD ON and HOLD FAST to the Word and your PROFESSION of it! And if you weren’t hit with this battle at this time, I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring this to your remembrance if/when you do face such an attack. I know there are other confirmations of our theme the past week+ that I’m failing to include – including others about not giving up, about the parable of the sower, other confirmations of Isaiah 55:11, and even another strong confirmation of the things God was also emphasizing about making sure we’re DOERS of the Word in this process as well. But I wanted to end this note with one from THIS MORNING ~ today’s blessing from John Hagee Ministries:

And now may the Lord bless you, and may the Lord keep you, and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and may the Lord be gracious unto you and give you His peace; may you walk in the DIVINE PROFESSION THAT YOU ARE VICTORIOUS, in Jesus’ name, in EVERY dimension of your life, and that Satan has no claim over you or power over you, for Christ is Lord indeed; and the victory is yours, in Jesus’ name. Now, walk in that CONFESSION and that protection.  ~ John Hagee

!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR MORE CONFIRMATION OF THIS! I PRAY this series has helped the importance He truly places on our PROFESSION (CONFESSION), and the power it has in our spiritual warfare against the enemy, to become deeper heart revelation for each one of us and that we will all truly begin to continually (as a FULL-TIME PROFESSION) PRO-CLAIM all that He has promised over our lives and circumstances! I think there’s still one more message inspired from confession #10 to come before we move on to #11! holdfast

PRAYING FOR ALL TO NEVER GIVE UP, but to HOLD ON/HOLD FAST and to make it all the way through to your total manifestation of victory in every area, in Jesus’ Name! Please pray for us too!

Here are the links to Joyce’s programs and also to an article that she just posted about not giving up too! (If the links no longer host the videos, check for those titles on youtube):

Quitting is Not an Option – part 1

Quitting is Not an Option – part 2

Article from Joyce on what to do if you’re battling the temptation to give up

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 1

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 2

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 3

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 4

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 5

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 6

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 7

Hold Fast Your Profession – pt 8

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