IT’S ALIVE!‏ pt 1 (More Confirmations for Confession #9) – HFJ43

Last Tuesday, I felt led to start going back through one of the huge stacks of Scripture cards I wrote over a period of many months last year from all the Scriptures/words the Lord was pouring out for us day after day once our battle began. Immediately, from that first day I began to go back through them, the cards were speaking with precision to our journey now ~ as if they were written for this new situation (though it’s a completely different kind of battle).

God’s continual orchestration of getting us the right word at just the right time is staggering! It’s amazing how He does this not only through others, but also through His Word  – causing His Logos (written Word) to become rhema (quickened, LIVING word) – to speak to our present need.

If you’ve read the Bible through in past years, you’ve probably noticed how each time you read through, different things will jump out to you and speak to you that didn’t jump out to you the year before. It’s certainly not a “book” that we can ever say, “Yes, I’ve read that before,” as if we’ve received and absorbed from it all it has to offer. The wealth of what can be received from God’s Word is INEXHAUSTIBLE. It contains the revelation we need to navigate through and overcome every situation we’ll ever face in life. This is why it will “speak” different things to us when we read it this year than it did the year before. Though we’re facing different circumstances and situations this year than we were last year, the answers we need for the new situations we face are still contained in the Word and will be quickened to us (made alive) as we read it again in light of our present circumstance.

As I’ve been praying for greater heart revelation that His Word is ALIVE, this is one aspect of that Truth that He’s been reminding me of. Though His Word is ancient, it is also eternal – and reveals itself as the LIVING and ACTIVE Word by its ability to speak directly and precisely to us no matter where we are in life or what we’re going through. It has the answers we need no matter what season or situation we’re in. As we read it interactively, praying about what we read, asking the Lord specific questions, and asking the Holy Spirit to cause our eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to perceive, and minds to understand all that He’s saying to us/showing us, He illuminates exactly what we need in order to speak directly to our lives at this time.

Yesterday, as I was going through one of those stacks of cards from last year, I saw this devo from last July that focuses on our verse for confession #9 and emphasized this very aspect of the truth that God’s Word is ALIVE ~ able to speak to each of us personally and specifically regardless of our need! This devo also focuses on the aspect of the truth that the Word is Alive in the sense that it’s OPERATIVE (which confession #9 emphasizes) ~ able to go to work when we release it into our situations by faith and containing within it the POWER to produce the promised results (like a sword against an enemy or a key in the ignition of a car – as discussed in the last note).
The Word Is Alive

Kenneth Copeland

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.– Hebrews 4:12

How can God’s Word become one thing for one person and something else for another? Because it is ALIVE! The Word of God is full of life. Full! Therefore, it administers life wherever it is applied. It doesn’t matter how dark and deadly your circumstances may be. There is enough life in God’s Word to totally overwhelm all the death that the world, the devil or circumstances can bring you.

The Bible likens the Word to a natural seed. Every seed has within it all the DNA required to produce whatever kind of seed it is. If it’s a peach seed, all that is required to be a peach tree is in the seed. In the same way, the Word of God has the supernatural life within it to fulfill the promises of God in your life. You plant it in your heart as a seed, but when it comes up, it produces salvation, prosperity, healing, deliverance—whatever God has said belongs to you!

If you have a need in your life today, go to the Word of God. Find a promise to stand on regarding your need…begin planting that seed in your heart. Say it aloud over and over as you let that Word take root inside of you. Let that Word become real to you. And then watch it come alive!

Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:50, 93 (© 1999 Kenneth Copeland Ministries)

I was so blessed by this timely confirmation ~ since I’ve been praying for Him to specifically bring greater revelation of His Word as ALIVE.

to be continued…

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