Sorry I’ve been quiet again this past week. We had an issue with the people receiving these through FB since recently some messages I’ve sent have appeared to post, but either truly didn’t (or were lost by FB after?). So, I’ve been trying to transfer some people over to the email list. They’re not included in this message yet, since they’re still trying to get caught up (they were about 5 posts behind this group for various reasons). This is also a reason I’ve delayed in sending out confession #6 – hoping that they can get caught up and we will very soon have everyone in sync. It will be a lot less confusing for me at least!
The past week+, the Lord’s had me continuing that series from a few weeks ago.
I think I sent the links for part 1 and 2 already (As in the Days of Noah… and …Get Your “Super” On).
Here are the links for the next 3, if you haven’t had a chance to see them on FB yet:
part 3 – Are You “Full of It”?
part 4 – “Destroy the Dragon and Take Back Your Home Land” ~ Powerful Prophetic Message from The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
part 5 – Taking Back Lost Territory ~ “Become More Determined than Hell Itself”
The Lord has been blowing our minds with confirmations from each of these after I post them, even the past 2 days since I posted note 5!
Hope you get a chance to read these and that you’ll also combine this revelation with the previous revelation from the SHIELD series so that we’re PREPARED for whatever comes.
One of the precious girls in this group shared that she received her healing Wednesday through some things the Lord spoke to her at a moment of decision and brokenness in her own healing journey. One of the most impactful passages He gave her, as she cried out for Him to speak, that helped her reach out and take her healing by faith was Psalm 23. I thought that was AWESOME, since He’s been emphasizing the SHEPHERD theme the past year (as shared in past posts)! I thought it was very fitting to rejoice with her over her testimony of how God sent this Word to heal her as we come to the close of confession #5 ~ He sends forth His WORD and HEALS ME ~ His written Word and JESUS, His Word made flesh!! Everyone praise God with Elise for how He is manifesting in her life and say a pray for her as she fully walks this out with the Lord our SHEPHERD (feel free to continue praying for her if God continues to lay her on your heart)!
Love and Blessings!!