Powerful Confirmations to Wrap up Confession #7‏ – HFJ38

Many confirmations of confession 7 have continued this past week. This has occurred not only through receiving the verse it is based on a number of other times, but also through other confirmations of how God was applying that verse for us ~ emphasizing the necessity of FIXING OUR EYES, HEARTS, MINDS on what HE SAYS/HIS WORD SAYS is TRUE – even if it’s INVISIBLE, UNSEEN to us now – because we know these SPIRITUAL AND ETERNAL TRUTHS are SUPERIOR to what we see and experience in the visible, seen, natural, TEMPORARY realm. He’s continuing to stress that if, through FAITH, we will align ourselves with and stay in agreement with the INVISIBLE, ETERNAL TRUTH, it has the POWER to TRUMP and TRANSFORM the visible, temporary facts!!!! He also connected Romans 8:6 with this theme earlier in the week, bringing back to mind this confession:

“I will not set my mind on (think on, be controlled and dominated by) the things of the flesh. I set my mind on (think on, and am controlled and dominated by) the things of the Spirit (the truth of God’s Word – His promises – who He says I am, and what He says He’s purchased for me)  – which produces LIFE and PEACE (peace = wholeness; nothing missing, nothing broken, all necessary good)  (Romans 8:6 Greek)”

As I meditated on this, I felt God was emphasizing again the theme of the vital importance of what we FOCUS on (things of the Spirit vs. things of the flesh). He brought back to mind the themes of the “Slaying the Giants” notes, reminding me again not to focus on the “giants” of opposition that attempt to exalt themselves above and contradict what God has promised. He doesn’t want us to see ourselves in comparison to “the giants” and listen to their report (the report of the flesh or circumstances) that makes what God said seem “impossible,” but to KEEP OUR FOCUS ON ~ OUR EYES FIXED ON ~ HIM and HIS PROMISES. He wants us to focus on how small and insignificant the “giants” and their lying reports are in comparison to Him. He wants our attention on how BIG and MIGHTY He is and how His promises ensure that HE is not only ABLE but WILLING and READY to cause us to dispossess, drive out, and destroy every “giant”or obstacle that stands in our way, so we can fully possess the land He’s given us through Christ.

So, today I was thrilled to find yet another word of confirmation along these lines (posted by Rick Renner, but written by someone else):

Focus and Tenacity: The Only Way to Get There From Here
By Andrell Corbin

Focus is a powerful thing. Proper focus will keep you centered and on course regardless of intervening influences. Without it, you won’t reach your desired destination. Staying focused during a crisis, however, is easier said than done. In fact, staying focused to persevere through difficult circumstances is one of the hardest things you will ever do — especially when you’ve been caught off guard or hit with a flurry of unexpected blows.

If you’ve ever had to “HANG IN THEREto see a dream or goal come to pass when you really felt like throwing in the towel, you’ve already discovered that your biggest fight is to hold yourself calm no matter what. It takes focus to maintain your confident expectation when everything around you begins to spiral downward, becoming the very opposite of what you envisioned. To get through that kind of crisis, you must simply KEEP MOVING FORWARD. This is challenging to do — particularly when your world is reeling and you aren’t even sure which way is up, let alone forward. But in order to make progress and lay hold of your destiny, you have to TOUGHEN UP and ENDURE HARDSHIP, just like Jesus, who “for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the Cross, disregarding its shame” (see Hebrews 12:1-3).

MAKE GOD’S VIEWPOINT THE FILTER THROUGH WHICH YOU SEE EVERY SITUATION. THAT WILL KEEP YOU FOCUSED. YOU CANNOT DENY THE DIFFICULTIES YOU FACE, BUT YOU CAN DENY THEM THE POWER TO DESTROY YOU! REDIRECT YOUR FOCUS AWAY FROM THE DIFFICULTIES AND FOCUS ON THE ONE  who said: “Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties…” (Isaiah 41:10 AMP).


MERCY!!!! Are you seeing all of these precise word for word confirmations?!?!

If you look back at both parts ofOnward Christian Soldiers” and other previous notes, they will astound you. “Onward Christian Soldiers” alone has devotionals entitled – Endure Hardness”  and “Hang In There And Don’t Give Up“, not to mention the message in that one and the “March, March, March….” notes (1, 2, 3) to Keep moving/marching forward!!!!! Also I see more confirmations here of becoming “TOUGH” and hardened to difficulties (letting His IRON enter our souls – as in previous messages). I hope you are also as overwhelmed as I was by the precise and powerful confirmations from the last few notes that we are to stay FOCUSED on (keep our eyes fixed on and our thoughts/words in agreement with) God’s viewpoint (His Invisible, Eternal, Truth) – NOT DENYING that the contradictory facts exist, but DENYING THEM THE RIGHT to exist in our lives because of what Jesus has done for us!!!!!!! PRAISING GOD FOR THESE PRECISE CONFIRMATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord, help us fully meditate on these truths, digest, and absorb them, so that they become part of us ~ heart revelation that produces life transformation and covenant manifestation in EVERY area of our lives! Please continue to pray for us in this, as we are for you! Confession #8 coming soon…

Have a Blessed weekend!

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