In retrospect, it might not be the best thing to receive such an amazing confirmation at 3 a.m. It tends to make it all the more difficult to get back to sleep. But, on the other hand, when you’re up at 3:00 a.m. battling your “storm” and asking the Lord for another word of encouragement, maybe it is the best moment to receive such a powerful word from Him.
I’ve been praying about which message to share next. There have been so many awesome confirmations of the last post that I want to share at some point for those who aren’t connected to me on FB or haven’t seen them when I’ve shared them there. But this past weekend I was debating about whether to share some of the words from the beginning of the storm, or the series about “The Answer”God gave toward the end of April, or about two of the tests He’s given us in this season that we likely must all pass on the way to our promised land. The confirmation I received at 3 a.m. this morning settled the matter. Some of you may have seen these posts the week before last on FB, but I’m sharing all 3 here for those who didn’t – with the latest confirmation at the end.
Post from April 22 ~ (When I tried to paste the link it inserted the post! Cool! That’s new!)
from April 23 (my 29th spiritual birthday! 🙂 Click “See More” to read the whole post. If it doesn’t work for you, comment and let me know and I’ll paste the text immediately below each post) ~
[I included the “nothing is impossible” theme with the Jesus is the SAME and is the ANSWER themes, since God had also been heavily reemphasizing this truth to us during this time, as mentioned in Don’t Panic, Praise]
And April 24 (Again, click “See More” ~ and rather than clicking on the link in the post to hear the mp3, I’ve embedded it immediately below so you can listen here) ~
Jesus is the SAME yesterday, TODAY, and forever
He’s the ANSWER to EVERY need
Only Believe
So… in the early hours when I was up battling my storm, I was getting ready to get my Scripture cards, but was sidetracked by a thought. My friend Tamra had recently urged me to check out the page of a prophetic minister from Australia, saying that her posts were quite often echoing the things I was hearing from the Lord and vice versa. I hadn’t had a chance to do so since she told me, so I took this opportunity to visit her page. I immediately saw what Tamra meant! Here’s the word she had posted yesterday!
May 3, 2015
by Lana Vawser (As usual, my comments are in purple)
“We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. (He is the Pioneer and Perfecter of faith) – Hebrews 12:2 (The Passion Translation) [had just been meditating on this verse Saturday in my Scripture cards]
In this birthing season I saw a moulding taking place in the hearts of the people of God. I saw the beautiful hands of God stretching and moulding the people of God, and in the process I saw faith being perfected.
“In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, you have been distressed by various trials so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:8) [Since He’s given this verse so many times through this latest attack, my ears were really perked at this point.]
In the trials many have faced and are facing, faith is being tested and tried by fire. The Lord is strengthening, building and extending the faith of His people. He is increasing faith in the lives of His people as they walk through the “process”. Through embracing the process the Lord is building a faith that will not be shaken. It is a faith that endures. A faith that lasts, a faith that is anchored in Him alone. [Will share more about the major confirmation of “enduring faith” in subsequent post, but wanted to point out what she says about being “ANCHORED” in Him ~ the precise thing He told me at the beginning of this storm ~ as shared in “Don’t Panic, Praise“!!!]
The Lord is raising up His people with greater faith to believe to see the impossibilities in their own lives and the world BOW to the name of Jesus.
As He is extending, increasing and perfecting the faith of His people I saw Him hand them “glasses” (like reading glasses) and He said “As you look at all things, look at it through these lenses”. As the people of God put on these lenses no matter where they looked they saw JESUS, they saw Him as the answer and faith was increasing. The impossibilities may be screaming at you and closing in on you, but look through the lenses of faith and see HIM. For Jesus is revealing Himself more and more in the lives and circumstances of His people, manifesting Himself as THE ANSWER! [At this point I was once again overwhelmed with God’s confirmations!!]
As you go deeper in INTIMACY with HIM, He is opening your eyes and heart to greater revelation that He is your ALL SUFFICIENCY. [Yes!! We’ve been praying this for ALL as the result of these latest attacks ~ for each one to come to know Him as our ALL IN ALL!] Your journey of late as you press into and partner with Him is perfecting your faith to believe for greater things.
I saw a HUGE HUGE gate flying WIDE open and there was a beautiful land opening up before the people of God. Rolling hills, with so many beautiful colours. Light bursting forth everywhere. Everywhere I looked I saw LIFE and things ALIVE and THRIVING. [I felt this was connected to the I Corinthians 16:9 reference in the last blog – the “‘WIDE’ door of opportunity” to the promised land the Lord is opening, that the adversary has (or many adversaries have) been trying to block us from entering.]
I heard the Lord say:
“I am perfecting your faith that is opening the gate to the miraculous. IT IS MIRACLE TIME!!!! You have endured the climb and continued to activate your faith and now you are being promoted into greater realms of seeing the miraculous displayed.”
The fire has been hot, and the journey has been long, and the process has been difficult. The trials have been intense, but you have been moving through the birthing canal and now out into MIRACULOUS DEMONSTRATIONS OF LIFE!
I saw miracle after miracle erupting around the people of God and springing forth. Miracles in health, in finances, in conception for babies, in relationships, in open doors, in situations that were upside-down suddenly turning around. The Lord is releasing life in “dead end” places. [The miraculous breakthroughs the Lord’s been promising – as shared in the last post!]
Many who have almost given up on believing for their miracle because of the darkness that continues to linger, and the thought has started to plague you “It is never going to happen”, you are stepping into MIRACLE TIME. He has been building enduring faith in you. Do not give up right before breakthrough. [Yes, the serpent’s temptations to give up have come through more unveiled and ungodly lies than ever before ~ more on that in subsequent post.]
You will move forward in power, strength and endurance as you look to Him the pioneer and perfecter of your faith. Look away from the natural realm and look through the lenses of heaven. Your faith is being perfected and extended. See Him in all your circumstances, He is your SUFFICIENCY. [This underlined part nearly also had me taking flight ~ more about that later as well.]
It’s time to declare.. “I AM FULL OF FAITH!!!!” He is perfecting your faith that is opening the gate to a new realm of the miraculous displayed!!!!! It’s miracle time!!!!
GLORY TO GOD! WE receive it! Thank you Jesus!
Praying for us all to endure through the process, pass every test, overcome every temptation, obstacle, and attack, and come forth as GOLD in the POWER of the Spirit to possess our promised land! Remember:
Jesus is the SAME yesterday, TODAY, and forever
He’s the ANSWER to EVERY need
Only Believe
Blessings and Prayers,