Wrapping up Confession #9 (Plus Next 2 Notes in Prophetic Series)‏ – HFJ45

Here are a couple of other devos I reread today that go with confession #9 and previous confessions/themes.

Receive His Life

Gloria Copeland

It is the spirit that quickeneth [or makes alive]; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. – John 6:63

The Word of God and its power to heal your body is more than just good information. It actually has life in it! Jesus said so in John 6:63.

Every time you take the Word into your heart, believe it and act on it, that life of which Jesus spoke, the very life of God Himself, is released in you. You may have read the healing scriptures over and over again. You may know them as well as you know your own name. Yet, every time you read them or hear them preached, they bring you a fresh dose of God’s healing power. Each time, they bring life to you and deliver God’s MEDICINE to your flesh.

That’s because the Word is like a seed. Hebrews 4:12 (The Amplified Bible) says it is “alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]….” It actually carries within it the power to fulfill itself! When you planted the Word about the new birth in your heart, then believed and acted on it, that Word released within you the power to be born again. By the same token, when you plant the Word about healing in your heart, believe and act on it, that Word will release God’s healing power in you.

When you read the Bible, you’ll see that spiritual power has been affecting this physical world ever since time began. In fact, it was spiritual power released in the form of God’s Word that brought this natural world into existence in the first place. He spoke it into being. It must become a revelation to you, that God’s Word is the force that originally brought into being everything you can see and touch—including your physical body. It will then be easy to believe that the Word is still capable of changing your body today. It makes perfect sense! So get into the Word. Speak its life-giving force aloud over your body in faith…and receive your healing! Receive His life!

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:1-12 (© 1999 Kenneth Copeland Ministries)

In this devo, I was especially excited by the confirmation of things from part 10 of the prophetic series that I posted Saturday (below) ~ namely, the correlation between His Word being the force that brought everything into existence and how it’s still the force that can bring things into existence, and transform things in existence, today.

I don’t think I’ve sent parts 9 and 10 from that series yet, so here are the links to those:

Part 9 ~ Becoming SALT and PILLARS

Part 10 ~ FORMED in the Secret Place – Discovering Destiny

The second devo I re-read today was actually one that I’ve shared part of in an earlier message. If you want to see the confirmations in that one too, it’s the John Hagee devo shown in the Shield and Shepherd confirmations note. It goes along perfectly with our double-edged (or double-mouthed) sword message from last week, emphasizing the importance that we wield the sword of the Spirit by speaking/declaring God’s Word out loud as Jesus did.

We pray that we will all be committed to do this ~ that we will not be HEARERS only, who fail to DO and PUT TO PRACTICE what we hear and know, deceiving ourselves. We pray for the eradication of all spiritual laziness, complacency, lethargy, passivity, doubt, unbelief, and all else that would hinder or prevent us from being DOERS of God’s Word who put into practice the truths He reveals. We pray that we will all put on the full armor of God and wield the full power and potential of the Sword of the Spirit in our lives. Please pray in agreement with this for us all!
Blessings and Prayers!

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