“And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My Name they will drive out demons…” Mark 16:17
Jesse and I finally watched this documentary last weekend, since it’s now available to rent on Amazon Prime. I know it may be shocking, possibly even frightening, for many to see, but demons are real and many are oppressed and demonized in various ways, and much of the church has not known how to help them.
As mentioned in the “As It Was In the Days of Noah” notes 9 yrs ago –
“Though myriads of people in our society (and the church) have already opened themselves up to demonic influences in certain areas of their lives and need deliverance from demonic oppression and demonization, satan has still most often been able to covertly masquerade under the names of “addictions,” “disorders,” “compulsions,” and sin without being overtly recognized for who he truly is by those who do not believe. But as society plunges further and further into darkness and increasingly gives itself over to satan, his lies, and works, I believe we will also see more and more demonic manifestations, where the supernatural realm of darkness is exposed in such blatant ways that not even unbelievers can ignore it … If our nation continues its popularization of the occult and witchcraft, … it would open the floodgates to this phenomenon in our society (even as Africa and other nations have dealt with on a more widespread basis due to more prevalent pagan and occult practices).
… As Christians we need to understand what’s truly going on. We are called to have the answers for the horrors society is going to unleash through their increased rebellion toward God and we need to know how to help as many people as possible be delivered and set free. This is going to require us to be firmly established in the Word and in the full revelation of who we are in Christ, to remain full of His Spirit, to know how to put on our spiritual armor and operate in the power and authority the Lord has given us in Him, AND to be free from fear no matter what may come.
I know there is a great amount of ignorance about this subject in our nation, even in the body of Christ due to teachings that these kinds of things ceased after the first century … But I suspect that in the next several years many are about to have their theologies wrecked and their paradigms shifted.” (link to this blog post)
The minister who made this documentary is one who had his theology wrecked and his paradigm shifted through encountering the demonic and being ashamed that he didn’t know how to help. And he is not alone. But thankfully he determined not to remain ignorant.
Thank God that through Jesus deliverance from demons is also real and is life changing. And it’s desperately needed if the church is going to fulfill our calling to help our own and the lost – all the more so in the dark times we’re now in and coming into in greater measure as this age comes to its dramatic conclusion.
We recommend everyone watch this, not because we want to endorse this specific minister who made this documentary. Honestly, we didn’t even know of him till we watched this. We only recently became aware of a few of the other ministers featured in this film and have been blessed by some of their messages – but don’t know enough about any of them to give a blanket endorsement. So we’re not trying to endorse any specific person featured in this, but rather only want to confirm the reality of the great need for the body of Christ to understand spiritual warfare in greater measure and to fulfill our calling to help deliver those who are oppressed by demons.