Last week the Lord brought to my remembrance some of the things He ministered to me last year about Him being an IMPENETRABLE SHIELD around us (and IN US as an IMPENETRABLE SHIELD around specific parts of our bodies that may be under attack). I truly believe these things He spoke to me can save our lives; I believe they saved mine:
~ He had SURROUNDED me with passages about Him being our SHIELD (pun intended), reminding me that He surrounds us with His unfailing love and His favor as a SHIELD of NEVER-FAILING protection (Psalm 5:12; 32:10, I Cor 13:7-8).
~ He showed me that, by FAITH, HE HIMSELF is the Ephesians 6 SHIELD around us ~ an IMPENETRABLE SHIELD, ABLE TO EXTINGUISH EVERY (not some, not many, but EVERY) FLAMING ARROW OF THE ENEMY SO THAT NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US CAN PROSPER; through FAITH we are SHIELDED BY HIS POWER (Psalm 28:7, Isaiah 54:17, Eph 6:10-18, I Pt 1:5).
~ Additionally, He expounded on this by repeatedly referring to the word “BUCKLER.” Though I’d heard this word in Scripture, I had no idea what it was. While some bucklers were small round shields, providing only partial protection, He was speaking in terms of being a Buckler that surrounds us, protecting the whole body from “HEAD TO TOE”!!!!! (Psalm 18:2-3 KJV; 35:1-3 AMP; 91:4 AMP, Proverbs 2:7, II Samuel 22 -see v31KJV, Easton’s Bible Dictionary)
Since this was fresh on my heart last week, I prayed again about these things. That night I asked the Lord to speak some specific things to us about a situation we’ve been battling. He answered by giving us a word entitled “SHIELDED“!! It not only spoke directly to the things I’d asked about, but in the same terminology He’d brought back to mind earlier that day. It talked about Him teaching us how to live armored and shielded and instructing us how to defend ourselves from the fiery darts/flaming arrows of the enemy! I was so blessed and encouraged that He was re-confirming these things He’d just reminded me of again!
After this, Jesse read from our healing confessions book. I was praying God would have him open to the verses about Him being our Shield as further confirmation, but instead he opened to the page that says:
“The Lord is a GOOD Shepherd. His sheep are in need of nothing; we do not lack ANY GOOD THING! (Psalm 23, John 10:10-11, 14-15, Psalm 34:9-10)” (More confirmation of our incalculable, limitless provision through the glorious riches of our inheritance – no lack).
“God does not withhold ANY Good thing from me and Jesus called healing Good. He said it is the “children’s bread.” Healing is Basic, Daily Provision for those in covenant with Jesus. In His great mercy and compassion Jesus even healed those outside the covenant who had faith. How much more does He heal us, not only by His compassion, but on the higher authority of His blood bought covenant. Jesus, Himself, is the “children’s bread” of healing, broken so we could be made whole. I take of His body and blood through communion, remembering His body was given for my healing, and His blood for the forgiveness of all my sins! (Psalm 84:11, Luke 6:7-10, Matthew 12:9-13, Mark 3:1-5, Matthew 15:21-18, John 6:32-35, 48-58, Luke 22:19-20, I Corinthians 11:23-32)”
For a split second, when I realized it wasn’t the page I hoped for, I was tempted to be disappointed. But I quickly cast those thoughts off so I could hear and absorb the wonderful promises God was emphasizing from this page. As he read, I remembered that this was the very same page the Lord had given us on the very first day this intense battle began last year. He had made sure we knew that opening here was NO COINCIDENCE by confirming these promises the VERY NEXT MORNING in a prophetic word He gave centered around Him being our GOOD SHEPHERD who meets all our needs. Since He had given this to us at such a critical time last year and confirmed it immediately, this spoke to me that this revelation of Him as our Shepherd who meets all our needs was just as vital for us to be holding onto as the revelation He was relentlessly surrounding us with that He is our Impenetrable Shield.
The next morning, I was delighted to see that HE DID IT AGAIN!!! I awoke to find another Good Shepherd confirmation waiting for me in my inbox through this devo from Ed Traut!!!!!
Psalms 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” NKJV
- A shepherd nurtures, provides, and leads.
- The choice of shepherd can often determine the results of our lives – we have the very best Shepherd ever.
- Because He is our Shepherd, we have all our needs met.
Prayer: Lord I praise you that you are my Good Shepherd and that you are watching over me and my family day and night. I thank you that ALL MY NEEDS ARE TAKEN CARE OF ACCORDING TO YOUR RICHES AND GLORY. Amen. (emphasis mine ~ more confirmation of the glorious riches He has supplied to meet all our needs from the Incalculable Wealth notes!)
As I meditate on receiving this double-edged reminder, what comes to mind is that while a Shield can defend from the attacks of the enemy, it cannot meet all our other needs. By simultaneously giving the revelations of Shield and Shepherd, God is speaking to being both our Offense (Provider, Guide, etc.) and our Defense (Protector). Though the revelation of Protector is also inherent in the analogy of Him as our Shepherd, the additional analogy of Him as our Shield takes this aspect of Him as our Defense to another level.
to be continued… (part 2 here)