Since the world is focused on this right now – the CHURCH needs to be prepared with ANSWERS based on Biblical Truth. So here’s some thoughts on UFOs, UAPs, and aliens … and those who are trying to teach us how to contact them.
I find it interesting that:
– these entities can only be contacted through occult practices that Yahweh, the Creator, Most High God, has forbidden ~ not to spoil our fun, or limit our knowledge, but because he knows they open the door to fallen angels/demons and their deceptions,
– thus far they have only been interdimensional in their appearances and disappearances, rather than intergalactic (never being observed as entering our atmosphere from space or returning into space),
– their messaging has been consistently antichrist,
– at least 30 yrs of research has revealed that they can be rebuked in the Name of Jesus and that repeat abduction/torture experiences can be stopped through repentance of sin (including occult practices) and spiritual warfare/demonic deliverance in Jesus’ Name.
I don’t doubt that someone could participate in the esoteric/occult practices some are advising, and that this would produce experiences, encounters, and contact with entities that seem to confirm their reality – in the same way that anyone who turns to witchcraft or occult ritual magic will also receive confirmation that it’s very real. The question is not whether the entities and powers are real – the question is what is their SOURCE. We know through God’s Word and Spirit, and through the experiences of many of our Christian brothers and sisters who have been delivered from the occult (and those who have helped them through that process), that the source is satan, not God ~ that these are not “aliens”, but demons masquerading as such. I believe we would be wise to prayerfully consider how these world events may end up being part of the great end-times deception of II Thessalonians 2, Revelation, etc. (see also The Spirit of a Magician and Supernatural Power, The Spirit of a Magician and Apostasy – part 1)
Unfortunately, many Christians have never been taught about the supernatural realm on either side (either good or evil) to equip us to be able to discern the difference. This has left many vulnerable to turning to and accepting the counterfeit sources of information and power when they encounter them, and abandoning the True Source. Yes, people will no doubt have supernatural experiences while engaging in occult practices that will seem to confirm that the message of the occult is true. But they will also open the door to demonic deception and oppression that they will not be able to be set free from apart from Jesus, and (without repentance and receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior) will tragically be turned away from the real Jesus in the end for practicing lawlessness/sin. The True Source of information and power we need can only be found in the God of the Bible (through His Word, Son, and Holy Spirit).
You may already be aware that there’s a significant connection between aliens and New Age teaching. Much, if not all, of their teaching was received through “channeling” or encountering such entities through occult practices – whether these beings presented themselves as “aliens”, “ascended masters”, “angels”, etc.
You may not be aware of the significant connection between the New Age and luciferianism. But when you dig deep enough, you will always find lucifer/satan at the root of these beliefs and practices.
“And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” II Corinthians 11:14
May God guide us all into all Truth and deliver us from every error and evil in Jesus’ Name.
I will include some videos that I hope will be helpful. (This is not a blanket endorsement of these believers’ teachings, some of whom are in theological camps we strongly disagree with in certain areas.)
The first is a documentary from the late Dr. Michael Heiser and is very professionally done. I pray EVERY CHRISTIAN will see this. (1:15:38 long)
The second is an interview with Joseph Jordan, “who has analyzed over 600 UFO abduction cases since 1992 with MUFON and with his own CE4 Research Group”.
The interviewer was formerly a famous new age teacher, whom the Lord saved. She’s now trying to help others be delivered out of those deceptions. (1:07:46 long)
The third is an interview with astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross. (27:52 long)
(There is a longer interview with him with more detail here, but they had some minor audio issues)
The last one is an interview with Dr. Brian Huffling.
The interviewer here is another lady the Lord snatched out of New Age/New Thought who is trying to help others. Interestingly, this interview mentions all 3 of the previous interviewees above – Dr. Michael (Mike) Heiser, Joseph (Joe) Jordan, and Dr. Hugh Ross. (34:05 long)