Note 9 – Part 3 (Part 1 and part 2 here; Navigation forward and backward also at bottom of screen)
After hearing these precise confirmations about SALT peppered throughout that entire segment (sorry, I couldn’t resist), we were excited to know what else the Lord had in store, so Jesse put on the interview with the director, Philip Noyce (detailed, in part, in note 8).
The interviewer observed, “Your protagonists are always beaten down, BUT NOT GIVING UP (an allusion to II Corinthians 4:7-10 )
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.”
(This was more confirmation of a myriad of words God’s given about NOT GIVING UP!)
The interviewer continued… “does that sense of ROMANCE (representing our Divine Romance with the Lord as His Beloved Bride) and RIGHTEOUSNESS (representing receiving God’s Righteousness through faith in Jesus, but also of having His Righteous cause for which we fight) lead to the fact that your HEROES are often INDOMITABLE ~ THEY CAN’T BE DEFEATED? (!!!!! We were now FLIPPING OUT at more confirmations of our key words “HEROES” – from the HEROES and CHAMPIONS theme – and “INDOMITABLE”!!! See Something’s Afoot, Taking Back Lost Territory pts 1 , 3, and 4, Dark of the Moon pt 4)
Later the interviewer also said: … “so often (in your films) ENDURANCE is part of the test (your protagonists face).” (ENDURANCE, PERSEVERANCE – and more specifically the Greek word hupomeno which encapsulates these ideas and more – have been continual themes. He’s been repeatedly saying we must ENDURE TO THE END ~ NO MATTER THE COST! See Onward Christian Soldiers pt 2)
We were blown away by all these confirmations of our previous themes!!! If you’ve watch the film, you know that SALT is violent and hardened toward the enemy. Again, this represents what our attitude is to be, not toward people, but toward our enemies in the spiritual realm. The Kingdom of God suffers violence and the VIOLENT take it by force (Matthew 11:12 – referring to our violence of faith in spiritual warfare). While God wants us to be as TOUGH as IRON, hardened to the enemy and his attacks, He wants us to be tender toward people – full of the fruit of His Spirit (Galatians 5). In addition to the Lord connecting these descriptions to the qualities of SALT that He’s calling us to possess, I also marveled that “Angelina” (who played the role of SALT) means “Messenger of God!” This represents that a “Messenger of God” is called to fulfill the role of SALT, AND confirms that these qualities of SALT should be identifying characteristics of the kind of Messengers He’s called us to be!!
The morning of 3/30 I was blessed by how God continued to tie the messages from the SALT notes together! That morning I felt led to go back and meditate on the past couple of pages of words from our confessions list that we’d just read over a period of several nights and saw:
(Based on words God gave us many years ago about being “Levites,” one confession said – )
“God’s covenant with Levi is a covenant of Life and Peace, and He gives them to us. We revere Him and stand in awe of His Name. True instruction (or the law of Truth) is in our mouths and nothing false is found on our lips. We walk in uprightness and turn many from sin, for the lips of a priest ought to PRESERVE knowledge (TRUTH), and from our mouths men should seek instruction – because WE ARE MESSENGERS OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY (Malachi 2:4-7).
I knew He was giving this powerful confirmation that He has called us to “PRESERVE” knowledge of His TRUTH (fulfilling SALT’s purpose to PRESERVE as discussed in note 8) as part of our role as “MESSENGERS of the LORD Almighty!”!!! (this scripture/confession is connected to the John the Baptist call as well!)
After we watched “A Game of Shadows” (discussed in note 8), I thought I remembered quoting that film in the Elastigirl notes, so I skimmed back through those while working on note 8. When I did, I was delighted to see that God was already emphasizing at the time of that note that His Word (Truth/Salt) will PRESERVE us: “…He was giving us Scriptures emphasizing and assuring us that HIS WORD and PROMISES LITERALLY PRESERVE OUR LIVES.” (Psalm 119:50)!!! Then, when I found the Sherlock quote I was looking for, what particularly stood out to me was the name of the heading it was under ~ “I’M COUNTING ON YOU. BE STRONG.” I knew God was showing me that He’d also already been speaking/confirming the message that HE NEEDS US too. This is His message to His people in this hour ~ He NEEDS US; He’s COUNTING ON US; and He’s continued telling us repeatedly through many different passages He’s given that we must be STRONG and COURAGEOUS in order to carry out His will!
“Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS. DO NOT BE AFRAID OR DISCOURAGED because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for THERE IS A GREATER POWER WITH US than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but WITH US IS THE LORD OUR GOD TO HELP US AND TO FIGHT OUR BATTLES.”And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said. II Chronicles 32:7-8
Take courage as you fulfill your duties, and may the Lord be with those who do what is right. II Chronicles 19:11b
to be continued… (see part 4 here)
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