So needed this confirmation today! Thank you Jesus! Right on Time as Always!
“Thank God for a good, sound mind, but even a sound mind must be submitted to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, your mind will develop a stronghold of NATURAL REASONING that starts to dictate all kinds of lies to your life. I call these rational strongholds.The reason I call them rational strongholds is that they are strongholds in the mind that make sense! You see, YOUR LOGICAL MIND WILL ALWAYS TRY TO TALK YOU OUT OF OBEYING GOD. In fact, if you don’t take charge of your mind, it will begin to completely dominate and control your obedience to God. It will tell you that you can’t afford to obey the Lord and that it isn’t a good time to step out in faith. YOUR NATURAL MIND WILL COME UP WITH A WHOLE HOST OF LOGICAL REASONS TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU SHOULDN’T DO WHAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS TELLING YOU TO DO.“~ Rick Renner (Two Kinds of Strongholds, Sparkling Gems – see whole devo at link)
“God has an Utmost Life for each of us! In spite of the battles we will face in order to climb the Glory Road to reach that Utmost Life, it will be well worth the effort to live a life of fulfilling His divine purpose. … I pray we will not let fear of the unknown, desires for comforts, pleasures, family, security, or NATURAL LOGIC and REASONING TALK US OUT OF OBEYING HIS DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS that will bring us the divine destiny He desires for us. …Let’s GO FOR THE GLORY and not settle for less than God’s BEST!” ~ excerpt from Part 11 – Choosing the “Glory Road” to the “Utmost Life”