Note 10 – Part 5 (continued from same day) (Navigation forward or backward at bottom of screen)
“Get in Alignment with Your Assignment”
(As our worship pastor, Marcus Ford, says)
In order to wage this warfare to overcome contradictory and opposing circumstances effectively, the transformation also needs to occur inside our own hearts and minds to bring us into complete alignment and agreement with God’s Word and will.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but BE TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2
As we’ve sought God about all His words about LIMITLESS, NO LIMITS, and other words He has given, and prayed to walk in the full revelation and manifestation of this, the issue of being transformed by continuing to renew our minds to all the astounding things He’s promised has become paramount.
“We prefer to venerate our HEROES because we believe more in their ability to change and be TRANSFORMED than we do in our own. We vicariously give lip service to victory while we remain chained to our own LIMITED perceptions of what is possible in us, because we believe that we are somehow different and less likely to be effective or successful. Overcoming the mental blockages in us enables things to happen through us.” ~ Mark Chironna (4/2)
In addition to more confirmations of HEROES and overcoming limitations to the point of becoming UNLIMITED, I noticed that this was also confirmation of things the Lord had just been re-emphasizing about the need to bring our thoughts back into alignment with the dreams/prophecies/promises that He has spoken over our lives until we are convinced of who He has called and created us to be and begin to SEE ourselves doing what He has called us to do. This alignment involves more than just having mental information about what God has said; it involves allowing that information to become heart revelation by meditating on what God has spoken until we reach the point that when we speak it, not only our mouths, but our hearts are in alignment and agreement with God. When we come into this degree of alignment with God’s Word as we declare what He’s promised, it’s full power and potential is UNLEASHED to accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it.
(I love that I found this image that combines Alice in Wonderland with the Matrix, since the Lord had spoken profoundly to us through both films and had connected their messages. Alice (in Tim Burton version) and Neo both had to come to believe who they were called to be in order to accomplish their destiny – discussed below)
“Alignment comes from bringing your thoughts, your words, and your ways into agreement with God’s words and ways of doing and being right. When you enter into divine alignment with the words, plans, and purposes of God, you will see your profession (of faith) come to pass. …” Rick Renner
“He’s Beginning to Believe”
The quote in this heading is taken from The Matrix. After the deluge of words and confirmations of God reminding us that the INVISIBLE, UNSEEN realities in the spiritual realm must become MORE REAL to us than the visible, seen realities in the natural realm, we felt He may be inspiring us to watch the first Matrix movie again to soak in all the spiritual analogies in that film which perfectly illustrate these themes. So we watched it again with this expectation in mind, and were not disappointed in this regard. But we were taken by surprise by other unexpected messages/confirmations we received through it. We had completely forgotten one of the main story lines of the need for Neo to come to believe for himself the prophecies that had been spoken about him! As we watched, we realized this process of him working through his doubts and questions in order to eventually be convinced about his identity/destiny was something God was speaking to us. Sure enough, immediately after watching, confirmations began to pour in from multiple different directions of the need to become convinced of who you are and of your destiny.
“God’s Word to you is your empowerment and might to fulfill your dream (Judges 6:14). AGREEING WITH GOD’S WORD TO YOU and ABOUT YOU — and SEEING YOURSELF AS HE HAS CALLED YOU —will help you accomplish what He will require of you.” – Rick Renner
Rick referenced Judges 6, where we find the story of Gideon. The Lord has given us this story repeatedly in the past several years. Of course, one of the points many draw from this account is how Gideon saw himself as inadequate and incapable, while God called him a “mighty man of valor” (though according to the natural eye and circumstances, he appeared to be anything but). After requesting repeated confirmations to be sure that God was REALLY calling him to accomplish the seemingly impossible task he was given, Gideon was finally convinced enough of God’s call to begin stepping out in obedience to fulfill it. We see the same kind of reluctance with Moses, who initially attempted to persuade God that He had chosen the wrong man for the monumental assignment given to him. The Lord recently also showed us similar uncertainty through Joshua’s life as well.
Coming to believe who we are in God’s plan and what He’s destined for us to do is vital for us to be able to accept and fulfill our assignments. Our unbelief in these matters will hinder us from taking the steps of obedience in faith that are necessary to reach our destiny and will LIMIT what God is able to do through us. The 10 spies sent in to scout out the good land God promised, who saw themselves as “grasshoppers” in comparison to the giants that stood in between them and their inheritance (failing to believe God would enable them to defeat them) died in the wilderness, never receiving what was promised. But those who saw the giants as grasshoppers in comparison to GOD, who were confident that they were WELL ABLE to do what God told them despite the “impossible” looking odds (because they knew He was with them to enable them to do it), eventually possessed the land.
Again we see the vital importance of what we FOCUS on and FIX OUR EYES on. If we look at ourselves to determine if we have what it takes to overcome all opposition and fulfill God’s “impossible” assignments, we will have a LIMITED vision indeed. But when we choose to look at God and what He promised, knowing HE has what it takes and that He’s with us and in us, we tap into the LIMITLESS. The Matrix shows that we must “free our minds” from the limited and lesser reality of the world perceived by our natural senses (representing the natural realm) through the revelation of the SUPERIOR reality of the “real world” (representing the spiritual realm). When that reality became MORE REAL to Neo than what he could see, hear, and feel with his limited natural senses, he became UNLIMITED, able to do the “impossible.” God calls this “renewing our minds” with the Truth of His Word.
“I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. …I’m going to show them a world without borders or boundaries (of the natural realm), a world where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you…” (Neo)
…“If you can believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES.” ~ Jesus Mark 9:23
To be continued… (in note 11)
Blessings and Prayers!
© Laura Jewell Tyree
(Navigation forward and backward also at bottom of screen)
Note 1 – “As it was in the days of Noah”
Note 2 – “When “Marvel” Meets Real Life ~ Get Your “Super” On”
Note 3 – Are You “Full of It”? and follow up
Note 4 – “Destroy the Dragon and Take Back Your Home Land” ~ Powerful Prophetic Message from The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug – parts 1-4
Note 5 – Taking Back Lost Territory ~ “Become More Determined than Hell Itself!” – parts 1-4
Note 6 – “No Sacrifice; No Victory” ~ “Have the GUTS to Get in the Car!” parts 1-3
Note 7 – Prophetic Message through “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” parts 1-4
Note 9 – Becoming SALT and PILLARS parts 1-4