One of the verses the Lord has given us repeatedly for the church since this Spring, regarding our need to speak His truth and stand against the destruction of our Christian foundation and heritage, has been ~
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” Matthew 5:13
Today is crucial for revealing the condition of the salt of the church in our nation, and what will happen to us as a result of our condition. Part of our purpose as salt is to preserve God’s standard and prevent moral corruption and decay. We have a vitally important opportunity to be salt for the Lord in our society today by using our God given freedom, which was provided for us at a great cost to many, to cast a vote for the candidate who stands for ideals which can help our nation preserve its godly heritage and foundation and to help prevent us from further moral decay. By the grace of God, Romney can help preserve God’s definition of marriage, work with Christians against abortion, will not try to force Christians to support things which are against our faith, and will help heal the damage that has been done in our relationship with Israel. Our vote for the candidate whose vision is more in line with God’s standards is only one step in the church being salt and light to turn our nation back to God, but it is an essential one.
If we have lost our saltiness, Jesus says we will we be thrown out and trampled underfoot, or we will be salted with fire. (Mt 5:13, Mark 9:49)
I pray we all do our part today to be God’s salt in our society by casting our vote to preserve and protect our Christian values as a nation and to prevent further moral corruption and decay.
please see also: Why It’s Important for Christians to Vote