Woe to The Complacent in Zion – Seek the Lord and Live

(Posted to FB Dec 11, 13)

This story aired on CBN yesterday about this comment from a senior homeland security advisor:

“I do consider the US an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution,” #MohammedElibiary on his Twitter account.

The tweet raised eyebrows thanks to Elibiary’s senior role on the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council, where he helps craft America’s counterterrorism policies.

“The enemy is inside the wire”

They aired another segment today about the damage this administration’s foreign policy has done, in which they shared that the perception in the middle East is that the US will not be around much longer….

This verse I read this morning stood out to me:

“Woe to you who are complacent in Zion, and to you who feel secure on Mount Samaria (Samaria means “Watch Tower”), you notable men of the foremost nation, to whom the people of Israel come!” ~ Amos 6:1

We/our nation MUST return to God. He has been crying out, “Seek Me and live” ~ Amos 5:4

“Seek the Lord and live….” ~ Amos 5:6


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