The Sound of Silence and Smears – suspicious opposition to “Sound of Freedom”

“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

The first thing we noticed when we pulled into the parking lot of the theater yesterday was that this film (Sound of Freedom – interview below) was not even listed on the marquee of movies showing… though it IS one of the available films to see. This seemed more than a bit strange. Then, as we waited for the movie to begin, Jesse opened his news app and, in disgust, showed me the first article he saw. It described how most mainstream media outlets are either ignoring this film or deceptively decrying and mocking it as a “Q…” conspiracy flick to be ridiculed and shunned, despite the fact that it’s based on a true story. In doing so they’re adding insult to injury for the millions being victimized and those who care about them.

At the end, a few minutes into the closing credits, Jim Caviezel returned to the screen and told us about the opposition they’ve faced getting this message out – which we’d already seen a glimpse of through these two events just since arriving at the theater. He spoke to the audience about the reality of this living nightmare for millions of children, providing additional heartbreaking and horrific statistics. But he also spoke about the battle those who made this film have been enduring for 5 years in order to bring it to theaters and audiences. He concluded with an impassioned appeal for those of us who’d seen the movie to help overcome the ongoing efforts to minimize its impact (through opposition, suppression, and deceptive derision), by doing our part to help bring the issue and film to light. They are so passionate about everyone being able to hear their message that they’ve provided a “pay it forward” feature on their site so that those who can’t afford tickets can still go see it.

I’m thankful that opening weekend was such a huge success, and pray that won’t change going forward due to the appalling silence or smear campaigns many are waging. As we’ve observed over and over in the past years, while a brave few try to shine the light of truth, propaganda media fights back with censorship and the gaslight of deception. And all I can think is “Me thinks thou dost protest too much.” By opposing this film and its message that EVERY decent person ought to support, regardless of political party, they only make themselves look like they’ve got something to hide and protect. And in fact, this is what Caviezel said in an interview, implying that the strong opposition to the movie is because many of those who are guilty are those in positions of influence and power –

” I lost my agents over this. … I lost my lawyer over this, and now I understand why all these actors didn’t want to do the movie because of this. Listen, you do Schindler’s List fifty years later, you’re a hero. Try doing Schindler’s List when the real Nazis are right there. Understand how that becomes more dangerous?” (history vs. hollywood article)

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, please keep up the ratings momentum and see it in the theater. We go to the theater next to never. But for a cause like this, it’s well worth it. Pay it forward for others if you can. And take advantage of the free tickets if you need. But please see it and spread the word. 🙏❤

(Important 5 minute interview with producer about the movie and opposition against it attached below)

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