Letting the Storm Send us Deeper and Higher

These are a few thoughts I shared on FB (May 20 and 22) that I wanted to share here for those who aren’t connected to me there (or didn’t see them).

On May 20 I shared how the Lord had been speaking the same message to us again (about changing our perspective to see the battle with the “giants” as “bread” to make us stronger) through a different analogy. The night before He had spoken to us about a tree taking deeper root so it can grow stronger and taller. As I meditated more on what He said the following morning, He reminded me how He’s referred to this trial as a “storm” so storms make roots deeperoften …. then reminded me that storms can serve to make trees take deeper root. In the same way, when we respond properly to “storms,” by allowing them to drive us deeper into God and His Word, we’re like the tree driving down our roots deeper into the soil. When we do so, we can come out stronger and grow taller than we ever would have otherwise.

#‎TakeRoot‬ ‪#‎GoDeeperinGod‬ ‪#‎TheStormCanMakeUsStronger‬

A few days later (the 22nd) I shared how the Lord had not only been speaking to us about going DEEPER in Him (becoming more deeply rooted), but that the previous week He had also reminded me in a dream about our ability and need to ascend HIGHER in Him ~ to rise up and soar ABOVE THE STORM. The dream led me to reread two words He’d given me back to back in February about ascending to a place in Him where the enemy can’t survive.

In the first word, He used the story of a pilot, who, upon hearing the gnawing of a rat and fearing what it might damage, ascended higher and higher until the rat eventually suffocated. The second word used the analogy of an eagle ~ stating that they can soar higher than any other animal and can take their enemy and ascend to an atmosphere that suffocates and kills it. Through these two similar words, He emphasized that we can come up so HIGH in His Presence, into the Secret Place of the MOST HIGH (Psalm 91), that the enemy and his plans are destroyed and nothing can touch or harm us. Once again, He encouraged us to change our perspective to see that the attack of the enemy can be a set up instead of a set back, if we allow it to cause us to rise HIGHER and HIGHER in Him to the place where the enemy can’t remain.

Psalm 91He connected this “atmosphere” we’re to ascend to, to the atmosphere of UNSHAKABLE FAITH and confidence in Him and His promises and the HOPE (confident, cheerful, eager expectation of good), TRUST, JOY, and PEACE that are found in this place of BELIEVING, regardless of how circumstances appear (regardless of the storm that may still be raging below).

The following day, my dear friend Callie sent me Psalm 91!!! The Lord had given us Psalm 91 from the healing confessions book during this ordeal, but after He started speaking to me about ascending to the Psalm 91 Secret Place and then Callie also sent me this Psalm, I felt I should look it up again in the Word (rather than just reading it from the healing confession). When I did, I was amazed to see specific words in the translation I read that God had been using to describe this attack, which was even greater confirmation that this was truly a word from Him. I have now added this Psalm to my daily confessions! So let’s get the M.C. Hammer anointing on and tell the enemy ~ CantTouchThis‬ !!!


Praying for us all to go deeper and higher in the storm and to come through in complete victory,
Laura (see update below)

God gave awesome confirmations of these words in the following days: 

First, the Lord cracked me up on May 24, when I saw the KCM devo had a “Can’t Touch This” confirmation 😀 which went along with the truths from the message above, as well as the truths shared in the “Free Your Mind” note ~

“Have you ever really thought about what it truly means to be in Christ Jesus? Have you ever gotten a clear revelation of that? Once you do, it will revolutionize your life. You see, it’s in Him that we’re raised up from our sins. It’s in Him that we’re made to sit in heavenly places so that God can show us the exceeding riches of His grace. It’s in Him that we’re made the righteousness of God! If you want that revelation to explode in you, start searching out scriptures that refer to being in Christ. … They’ll give you some powerful ammunition against the attacks of Satan. … You’ll be able to answer him boldly and say, “Thank God, … I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I’ve been raised up to sit with Him in heavenly places. Now I’m in Him and you can’t touch me at all!” Be prepared … Be ready to fight back with the scriptures about who you are in Jesus. You’re sure to win once you truly know you’re in Him!

Then on the 25th, He showed me confirmations of growing stronger and becoming more deeply rooted in the battle and ASCENT in a word posted by Lana Vawser ~

“…I felt the Lord encouraging His people, that even in the “uphill battle, even in the continuous climb” as they have pressed in, have continued to move forward, they are stronger. Their growth has been exponential even when they haven’t felt it. They are more deeply rooted in Him, their endurance has been extended, their capacity increased and perseverance built within them. In this uphill climb, in this battle, the people of God that have continued to surrender to Him, continued to embrace the process despite the fatigue, He has been working DEEPLY on forming character and strength of character to KEEP YOU in the place of promotion.”

[And even more awesome confirmation I just now saw in Lana’s word on 6-3 – not only confirming again about trees taking deeper root in the storm, but also reconfirming the words about the battle causing our faith muscles to grow, as the Slaying the Giants and Possessing the Land notes discuss which He led us to reread at the beginning of this attack] ~

“Many have felt like they are dying in the process, that they have become weaker in the process, that they have “lost” in the process but suddenly I saw a tree with DEEP DEEP roots and no matter how LOUD the wind was blowing and the tree at the beginning of the vision was bending almost to the ground broken, as they continued to stand and press into Him, roots going deep, what was sent to ROT them, was actually ROOTING THEM DEEPER in Him. Although you may not feel like it, I felt the Lord saying MANY have and are moving into their “SHIFT” and they are stronger than before, faith muscles are BIGGER than before and the Lord is about to reveal the “STRENGTH” in Him that He has built within them.”  GLORY TO GOD!!!!!

And on May 26th, we listened to the TDJ sermon from that Sunday and were absolutely undone with the confirmations the Lord gave. I posted on FB about how I nearly took the roof off the house and tore the walls down with praise because of some of the word-for-word confirmations God gave us through this message (such as “Enough is Enough” and “The Cycle is Broken” ~ precise phrases God had been leading us to pray and say). If you have been going through insane attacks and outrageous storms, please find this message on youtube (from Pentecost Sunday 5-24-15 – probably entitled: Holy Spirit In You and With You or God Undercover) and listen to it. TDJ spoke in terms of “going undercover,” “going in the Spirit,” and “going to another realm,” but the message was exactly what God had been speaking to us about through these messages to ascend to the Psalm 91 Secret Place ~ the atmosphere of faith ~ and to the “realm” discussed in the “Free Your Mind” notes, where we’re seated with Christ in Heavenly Places and operate according to the truths of the spiritual realm instead of the facts of the physical realm.  He even gave more confirmations from the “Don’t Panic, Praise” note ~ including the attack the enemy sends to block you from entering your purpose and the admonition to DECLARE/PROCLAIM our VICTORY NOW!! After we heard this message, we remembered that from early on in this battle as we cried out to the Lord, He’d given us a word about Him calling us to come up to a HIGHER REALM where we could walk in the Spirit and experience continual peace, joy, and victory (because of our faith in Him and His promises)! God help us do it! Here are a few short, but powerful clips from his message. The first two are about how to “go undercover” (to ascend to the Psalm 91 Secret Place and be seated with Christ in the Heavenly Realm). The last is about the storm the enemy sends to stop us.

[God blew us away by even more confirmations of the Free Your Mind note in TDJ’s message 5-31-15 – where he even referred to this world as a MATRIX – not the real world!!!!!!! GOD IS SPEAKING!!!!! Lord, help us GET IT and walk in the fullness of this revelation!!!]


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