Does anyone like writing a bio? Let’s just cover the basics for now and see if more creative juices kick in later, inspiring a revised edition.
I will always consider it one of my greatest blessings in life to have been raised in a Christian family and my greatest blessing that I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior as a child (while my family was in Italy for a semester). I was immediately filled with a desire for missions and ministry, which has often found its expression through writing. During high school and college I was blessed to participate in mission trips in the United States and other nations (Honduras, Jamaica, Scotland, England, and Western Europe) and to spend another semester studying in Italy and traveling to many nations in Western Europe. While still in college (Harding University) , I also met my sweet husband, Jesse. After a semester of building our friendship and beginning to date, the Lord orchestrated at the last minute for Jesse to become the song leader for the team my Dad was leading on a 6-week summer mission trip to Scotland (which I was part of). So we “fell” (or grew) in love amidst lush green hills, castles, towers, lochs (lakes) and legends about the lochs, bagpipes, gorgeous accents, and a plethora of plaid (tartans). The following February, he asked me to be his bride and we married 6 months later (while still in college). I graduated with a double major in Psychology and Bible, and a minor in Missions. Jesse graduated with a B.A. in music and a minor in missions.
After graduation, we were able to fulfill one of my childhood dreams by returning to Italy (Florence and Rome) as missionaries for two years ~ which was an extremely challenging, but amazing, experience. Upon returning from Italy, we lived in Nashville, TN for 9 years, where Jesse received his MBA at Lipscomb University. During these first years in Nashville our journey with God took some dramatic turns, when we were finally convinced beyond all doubt through our study of the Word that the gifts of the Spirit are still for Christians today (a question we’d been seeking the Lord about for 5 or 6 years). The details of how God brought us from cessationism (the belief that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit have ceased) to continuationism (the belief that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit still continue) are shared in my first book about the Holy Spirit, which we hope to be able to provide more details about soon. In 2003, the Lord led me to begin doing the writing and ministry full-time from home that I had previously done in my spare time. Then, in 2009, after four years of seeking the Lord about whether we were to return to school, we moved cross-country and both graduated in 2011 with our Master’s in Biblical studies. This past decade has, in many ways, been Holy Spirit boot camp and special forces wilderness training.
I have two previous books:
Healing Confessions Based on God’s Word (2008) ~ These Scripture confessions were birthed out of my own experiences of walking with the Lord through the process of standing on His promises to receive healing. Having the confessions printed in book form was birthed as the result a precious friend who received healing after her faithful meditation on these Scriptures/confessions and our times of prayer/ministry, standing on these promises from God’s Word. We’re hoping to reprint these books in the future and will provide information when available.
Sermonettes from Sebastian: A Dog’s Advice on Relationship with The Master (2012) ~ Sermonettes is a beautifully illustrated devotional book (gift book/coffee table book) written by our family dog (with a little help from me). It is adored by adults and children alike and has been used for family devotionals, Bible class teachings, and personal inspiration. Each page has a piece of advice from Sebastian about relationship with the master (with obvious application to the reader’s relationship with God), a full color illustration, and a Bible Scripture that supports what Sebastian says. The book is divided into 10 chapters such as Trust, Storms, and Walking with The Master. For pictures, a more detailed description, and reviews see: Sermonettes… can be found on our website or on Amazon. (If you’re at Harding, he’s also available at HUB and Hastings). If you already own this book, don’t forget to “like” Sebastian’s page on Facebook!