Confession #3 and Voice-Activated Faith Theme – HFJ4

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Sorry I fell behind again last week. I didn’t have good access to send things while we were visiting Jesse’s family. God gave us several confirmations of our last verse (II Cor 1:20) through the teachings He led us to listen to on our road trip! That might not have seemed so significant if they were in teachings on healing (where we’d expect to hear such confirmations), but they came from teachings on subjects we didn’t expect to hear them in.

Here is confession #3 for this week:

“God is faithful to ALL of His promises
and loving toward ALL He has made.”
(from Psalm 145:13-14)

The past several days, He has also been re-emphasizing the importance of “voice-activated faith” ~ speaking to the mountain (also continuing with the “nothing is impossible/everything is possible/limitless-incalculable wealth in Him” themes). He has already given us these confessions a few times this week from the Healing Confessions Book:

“Jesus promised that I can speak to physical circumstances just as He did, and THEY WILL OBEY ME. Just as NOTHING is impossible for God, Jesus said that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME! EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR ME because I BELIEVE!” (Mark 9:23; 11:12-14, 20-24, Mt 17:21, Lk 1:37; 17:5-6)

“I believe that I HAVE RECEIVED WHAT I SPEAK AND ASK FOR BY FAITH according to God’s Word and will, even before I have any evidence of it in the physical realm. God promised that if I cross over the line of faith to believe I HAVE RECEIVED, it WILL be mine.” (Mark 11:24)

“I do not look into the mirror of the Word of God to see who He says I am and what He has provided for me, and then go away and forget “what I look like.” I do not deceive myself by only hearing the Word but failing to act on it. I put into practice what God’s Word says. I remember who God says I am and what He has provided and I Believe, Speak, and Act according to the knowledge of Truth from His Word ~ NOT according to circumstances.” (James 1:22-25, Mt 7:24-27, Lk 6:46:49)

“I do not judge by what I see with my eyes or hear with my ears. I live by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT. By the Spirit of Faith I BELIEVE and therefore SPEAK. I strike the earth with the rod of my mouth; with the breath of my lips I destroy the works of the enemy. I will not lose my confidence and quit. I BELIEVE and RECEIVE!” (Is 11:3-4, II Cor. 4:13; 5:7)

Then this morning, one of our devotionals was also based on II Cor. 4:13 ~

“I believed…therefore have I spoken.”

 ~ continuing confirmation of this same theme.

He also brought lots of additional confirmation recently about things He’d been speaking to us this past year about our necessary preparations for taking the promised land (if you want the link to that note let me know).

Lastly, since we read something last night which was referring to the truth that each one of us is as close to God as we want to be, we pray that each one of us will purpose to be properly positioned for 2014, so that it will not only be a year of double portion breakthrough and blessings, manifested promises, and overflowing harvests, but most importantly a year of going to the greatest dimensions we’ve ever experienced of walking in intimacy and unity with our Lord and Savior!

May this be a year of heart revelation that produces life transformation and covenant manifestation which causes us to walk in the highest realms of the gifts and fruit of the Spirit and the fulfillment of our destinies! May we see Him do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask, hope, or imagine by His POWER that is working IN US!
Happy New Year! Blessings and prayers!


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